Terms of Use
1. No offensive content
2. No trolling
3. No spreading of any copyrighted material
4. No spamming
5. No advertising
6. Please be nice
Our rules
1. You must be 13 or over to use MemorySnip.
2. Don’t lie about yourself when you set up your MemorySnip account, and make sure your contact information, including mobile phone number, is always up to date.
3. Don’t post anything showing violence, or that might frighten people, or that shows nudity.
4. Don’t bully anyone.
5. Don’t pretend to be anyone else.
6. If you want to use someone’s information from MemorySnip, ask them first.
7. If you want to tag someone who doesn’t use MemorySnip, ask them first.
8. Don’t share anyone’s private or personal information, like bank or passport details, or address.
9. Keep your password secret and don’t let anyone else log into your account.
10. Don’t do anything illegal on MemorySnip, including taking part in scams.
11. Don’t post spam or anything that isn’t true.
12. Don’t use any type of software or robot to get other peoples’ information.
13. Don’t upload viruses or do anything that might affect the way MemorySnip works, or mess around with our code.
14. You can only have one personal MemorySnip account; if we delete it, you must not make another.
15. Don’t use the MemorySnip logo, pictures, layout or anything we have written, or try to copy it, without our written permission.
16. If you want to make an app, a Page, or an advert then you need to follow extra rules.
17. If you want to make money on MemorySnip then you must use a Page and not your own profile.
18. Don’t use MemorySnip to try to sell things to people who are not old enough.
19. Don’t encourage or help anyone else to break these rules.
Your rights
1. Even if your profile is private, remember that people can see and share information that others post about you. Other people can also save information you have posted about yourself on their own phones and devices.
2. Some companies will share information about you with us and we will share information about you with them. We won’t share your name or email address but we can share your age, location, gender and interests with advertisers all over the world, or people doing research. You have the right to tell us not to and we won’t.
3. If you agree to use an app on MemorySnip, that app might be able to use, share and keep the information you post on MemorySnip.
4. If you delete your account, things you have posted will be deleted but not things other people have shared about you. All the information we hold about you will be deleted by us within 90 days.
5. Officially you own any original images and videos you post, but MemorySnip can use them however it wants to and we don’t have to pay you any money for that.
6. It’s your responsibility to make sure that other people don’t copy things that belong to you. We can help you do this.
7. If we have deleted something of yours and you think it’s unfair, you have the right to complain.
8. We will let you know if we change our terms including how we use your data. If you keep using MemorySnip after we’ve told you about changes, we’ll assume that you are okay with them.
9. MemorySnip can delete or force you to change your username or Page name and we can delete anything that breaks our rules. You can complain if you think it’s unfair.
Our rights
1. We use technology that can track information about you automatically as soon as you go onto MemorySnip.
2. MemorySnip can collect information about you, including:
Everything you tell us when you set up your account
The pages you view, how long you spend and who you talk to
What device you’re using, what browser and network, and your IP address
Details about what you post or ‘like’
Anything anyone else shares about you or tags you in
What and who is in your address book, if it’s synced to MemorySnip
Your card details, address and what you’ve bought, if you buy things on MemorySnip
Your battery and signal strength
Where you are
If you go onto another company’s website or app
3. We can use your name, profile pictures, information about what you ‘like’ and anything you post to make money and we don’t have to pay you for that.
4. MemorySnip owns other companies, including Instagram and WhatsApp who can share information about you with MemorySnip. If someone buys MemorySnip, the sale will include your information.
5. MemorySnip uses your information to suggest adverts, photos you should be tagged in, or places you should check in. We don’t have to make it obvious whether something is an advert or not.
6. We use your information to improve safety on MemorySnip. If we think something you post looks suspicious or might be breaking our rules, we will investigate it.
7. If we think a law has been broken, or might be broken then we might get into your account and share your information with people involved in the case.
8. If we stop your account because you break our rules, we can keep information about you for at least a year.
9. If you keep on posting pictures that belong to other people, we can delete your account.
10. When you delete a photo or video, we might still store it for a while on the MemorySnip systems.
11. It’s nice for us to hear your thoughts and ideas about MemorySnip but if you tell us them, and we use them, we don’t have to pay you any money or let anyone know you came up with the idea.
12. We can ban you from MemorySnip if you break our rules or we think you might try to break the rules.